Tuesday, May 27, 2008

...And that's a wrap

My plane out of Taipei leaves in 6 hours and change. 5 things I won't miss about Taiwan:

5. Excessive amounts of rain and the horrible quality umbrellas to ward you from it
4. Beer's too expensive
3. The White Guy Treatment (People assume that I don't know any Chinese which can cause frustration and derision)
2. Annoying noises (Family Mart doorbell, garbage trucks, and RT Marts, in particular...I guess fireworks fall in this category too, don't they?)
1. Stinky Tofu! EWWWW!!!

5 things I'll miss really bad:

5. The ability to practice Chinese every day with pretty much anyone
4. A public transportation system that is convenient and works
3. The White Guy Treatment (People find a white guy who speaks Chinese fascinating so I get a rock-star treatment occaisionally)
2. All the assorted foodstuffs: onion pancakes, hot pot, pork dumplings, various seafood snacks...YUM
1. All the ridiculously awesome people I've met along the way. Kickboxers, volleyballers, classmates, friends of classmates, language exchange buddies, random run-ins on the MRT, and anywhere else.

Alright, now for a couple of hours of sleep before a day of traveling...

1 comment:

dianajosey said...

... i feel like i left something behind... i miss taiwan!!! i'm feeling so nostalgic after reading this post... ='(

stinky tofu... have you ever tried it? the first time i tried it... it was bad...
but then i gave it another shot and it was not too bad...